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Meet Your Hosts

Han Dol Kim and Charlie Ehlers are young property investors who have achieved remarkable success in the real estate industry. With their podcast, Young Money Hackers, they aim to empower young Australians with the knowledge and strategies to build wealth through property investment.

The content provided by Young Money Hackers, including its associates or employees, in public media or forums is intended for educational purposes only. The information we share should not be considered as financial, legal, tax, or property advice. We strongly recommend seeking appropriate professional advisors, such as financial planners, attorneys, accountants, or real estate professionals, for personalized advice related to your specific situation. By engaging with our content, you acknowledge that Young Money Hackers, Han Dol Kim, Charlie Ehlers, and any of its associates or employees are not corporately or personally liable for any decisions or actions taken based on the information provided. It is essential to conduct thorough research and exercise your own judgment before making any financial, legal, tax, or property-related decisions.